BookMyLabs made easy!
Started with the sole purpose of making healthcare accessible and affordable to all, BookMyLabs today is India’s leading and most trusted online healthcare aggregator in the country. We help patients connect with local pharmacy stores and diagnostic centers to fulfill their extensive medical needs. We believe that everyone should have access to good health. Thus, through our services, we ensure you get access to the best and most genuine health products, with the highest savings in the shortest time possible.
Today, we deliver medicines through our channels partners in 1000+ cities in India, covering 22000+ pin codes. We offer diagnostic test services across North India including Thane, Navi Mumbai, Delhi with Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad & Ghaziabad, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, and Gandhi Nagar, Surat, Vadodara, Lucknow, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Jaipur, Bihar, Jharkhand.
In addition to making healthcare accessible to all, through our technological innovations, we aim to revolutionize the healthcare system by:
Making the industry data driven by providing doctors and patients the most accurate information to make decisions.Making healthcare a universal right by making it quantum’s cheaper and accessible. We strongly believe that consulting with your trusted doctor should not be as complicated and time-consuming as it is today! Scheduling an appointment, taking the day off work, waiting at the clinic for hours can all prove to be extremely tiresome, especially when you are feeling under the weather.
BookMyLabs aims to make vour access to trusted healthcare simple, fast, and effective. We believe in improving the overall health care delivery experience. We intend to help you heal quicker and better without having to wait needlessly. We, at BookMyLabs, believe in delivering top-quality health care at every step. We also provide at-home health checks, lab tests, medicine delivery and facilitate booking of Radiology services.
Bookmylabs is confidently striding towards being ‘India’s largest health test @home service provider’. With a vision every Indians life, we provide preventive health tests at the most honest prices. Equipped with technology-driven healthcare matrix, an army of highly trained full-time phlebotomists and precision driven alliance with labs; our mission is to provide affordable, accurate and reliable tests results to all. Being the first mover in the industry, we are changing the very dynamics on which the online diagnostic and wellness industry works.
Bookmylabs is on a look out for creative, daring/ confident minds who can walk this journey with us. If you can go against the wave and make path breaking contribution to the new healthcare revolution in India. At Bookmylabs , we are committed to create exceptional work experiences. Be a part of a super dynamic environment where new ideas are nurtured and shaped into realities.
When you book a health checkup package with us, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of highly qualified and experienced medical professionals. Our team of healthcare professionals will conduct a thorough assessment of your health and provide you with a detailed report of your health status. This report will include recommendations for any lifestyle changes or additional medical treatment that may be necessary to improve your overall health and well-being.
Booking a health checkup package with Bookmylabs is easy and convenient. Simply choose from our range of packages online, and our team will guide you through the process, from scheduling your appointment to providing you with all the necessary information and instructions for your visit.